Private Lessons


We work with students of all ages and skill levels at your location in Southern California, at our esports gaming center in San Diego, or via distance learning. Programs can be designed primarily for education, and/or to assist players with achieving their goals in video games, as a possible career path (esports is recognized on a collegiate level as a sport).

Three Easy Steps

1. Free Consultation

Gather an individual or multiple participants &
schedule a free session (kids & parents welcome!).
We'll talk about your goals and objectives.

2. Identify, Plan & Present

We identify topics and areas of focus and
work on a customized curriculum, including
choosing areas of interest that are meaningful.

3. Execute!

We work through the planned sessions using a scheduler,
develop a timetable with measured growth, &
refine goals based on achievements.

We’re CMPC Certified

This seal gives you the assurance that we are trained and qualified to assist with mental performance. We are NCCA accredited certified consultants per their Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs, having met recognized national and international credentialing industry standards. We are part of their community that’s committed to excellence in the area of mental performance.

We’d Love to Talk to You About How We Can Leverage Your Child’s Love of Gaming for Learning & Growth

Call us for a free consultation


Let’s talk about our private lessons with our certified mental performance consultants (CMPC’s) who work with all ages and skill levels to develop a customized program specifically tailored to your child’s needs, goals and interests.

Summer camp enrollment is open!Learn more.